Factors of 106

 The factors of 106 are the numbers that can be multiplied together in pairs to produce the product 106. In this case, the factors of 106 are:

1 × 106 = 106

2 × 53 = 106

So, the factors of 106 are 1, 2, 53, and 106.

Factors of 106

Is 7 a factor of 106?

No, 7 is not a factor of 106. When you divide 106 by 7, you get a quotient of 15 with a remainder of 1, which means it does not divide evenly. The factors of 106 are 1, 2, 53, and 106.

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What type of number is 106?

106 is a composite number because it has more than two factors. Specifically, its factors are 1, 2, 53, and 106. A composite number is a positive integer greater than one that is not a prime number.

Prime Factorization of 106

Prime factorization is breaking down a number into a product of its prime factors. To find the prime factorization of 106, follow these steps:

Start with the smallest prime number, which is 2.

Divide 106 by 2. The result is 53, and 53 is a prime number.

Since 53 is a prime number, we cannot break it down any further.

So, the prime factorization of 106 is:

106 = 2 × 53

Factor Tree of 106

These are the prime factors of 106: 2 and 53.

A factor tree is a graphical representation of the factors of a number, showing the process of breaking down the number into its prime factors. Here’s the factor tree for 106:



2 53

Start with 106 at the top of the tree.

Divide 106 by the smallest prime factor, which is 2. Write the two factors (2 and 53) as branches under 106.

Since 53 is a prime number, it cannot be factored further.

The factor tree for 106 shows that its prime factors are 2 and 53.

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