Factors of 294 | Prime Factors of 294

 When understanding factors of numbers, it’s essential to grasp the basics of multiplication and division. A factor is a number that divides another number completely, leaving no remainder.

Factors of 294

What are the Factors of 294

The factors of 294 are the numbers that can be multiplied in pairs to produce the original number 294. Here is a list of the factors of 294:

1 × 294 = 294

2 × 147 = 294

3 × 98 = 294

6 × 49 = 294

7 × 42 = 294

14 × 21 = 294

21 × 14 = 294

42 × 7 = 294

So, the factors of 294 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21, 42, 49, 98, 147, and 294.

Prime Factors of 294

Prime factors are the prime numbers that can be multiplied to produce the original number. We can use the prime factorization process to find the prime factors of 294. The prime factors of 294 are:

2 × 3 × 7²

So, the prime factors of 294 are 2, 3, and 7 (with seven being squared or multiplied by itself).

Greatest Common Factor (GCF)

The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of two or more numbers is the largest factor that they share. For example, the GCF of 294 and 420 is 42, the largest number that divides them.

Least Common Multiple (LCM)

The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of two or more numbers is the smallest one they all share. The LCM of 294 and 420 is 2,940, the smallest number divisible by both.

Is 294 divisible by 7?

Yes, 294 is divisible by 7. When you divide 294 by 7, you get:

294 ÷ 7 = 42

Since the result is a whole number (42) with no remainder, this confirms that 294 is divisible by 7.

Factors of 294 that add to 7

Among the factors 294, there is one pair of factors that adds up to 7:

1 and 6

When you add these two factors together:

1 + 6 = 7

This pair of factors (1, 6) is the only one that adds up to 7 among the factors of 294.

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