Type of Network Topology

Indeed, the computer is a technology that has an entire world in it. Thousands and millions of concepts are there that are difficult to digest. 

Some even are so complicated to comprehend that our mind starts saying no, I can’t get it. 

One of such concepts Is topology. I’ve seen a number of folks getting mixed up just by this name. Some even are unable to pronounce it well. 

Now, you probably have two questions in your mind. First, What is topology, and what are the types of Topology? don’t fret, As these are the questions that I’m going to talk about in this article. 

Type of Network Topology

Make sure to stick with it till the end so that you can learn everything related to the topic.

What is Topology?

The topology word is made up of two Greek words, topo and logy. Topo means place, and logy means study. That’s its meaning. But what is Topology’s definition in computer networks

The apology is used to explain How a network is physically connected and the logical flow of data in the network. It has different types which are mentioned below.

What are the Types of Topology?

There are 2 significant types of Topology in the computer network, and they are:

1) Physical Topology:

The physical Topology explains the way that nodes and computers are connected with each other in the network of computers. 

That includes links, nodes, and the device location of the installation of the code in the computer network. In simple words, it’s a kind of layout of nodes, workstations, and cables in the network. You got it, right? Cool!

Logical Topology

The logical Topology describes the way the information flows from one computer to another. It describes how data circulates in the network and the path it takes for that. Making it simpler, it’s a way for devices to communicate internally. 

Remember, the network can only have one physical Topology and multiple logical topologies. Let’s go through each type of logical Topology.

Mesh topology

In this Topology, every device is linked with one another via a particular channel which is known as links. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Mesh topology?

  • The information is reliable because of getting transferred through a dedicated channel

  • The fault can be diagnosed fastly.

  • Has good privacy and security

  • The installation and the configuration are quite challenging.

  • The price of the cables and the maintenance is high.

Star Topology

In these logical topology types, the devices are linked to each other to a single and via cable. The hub is the central node to which all other nodes are connected. 

  • Each device requires a single port to connect to the hub, which makes it quite easy.

  • It’s affordable

  • Easy to troubleshoot.

  • If a node fails, then it won’t affect other nodes connected to the network.

  • It’s quite easy to reconfigure and upgrade.

  • If the central hub fails, the whole network will fail.

  • The network supports limited devices.

Tree Topology

The Tree topology is a logical apology in which the nodes are indirectly or directly connected to the main bus cable. It’s made up of bus and star topology. 

In Topology, the network is distributed into different segments, which are easy to maintain and manage. The main central hub and the other sub-hubs are connected to each other in this Topology.

  • It enables more devices to be connected to a single central hub.

  • It permits the network to separate and furthermore focus on various PCs.

  • If the central hub gets crashed, the whole network will crash

  • The cost is too expensive for cabling.

Ring Topology

In the ring topology, a kind of ring is formed connecting two devices that are near the network. Many repeaters are used for this process; why?

Because if any message is sent, it has to pass through the 99 nodes of the network. In order to protect the data from being lost, these many repeaters are used in the network.

  • The chances of collision are less in the network

  • It’s quite inexpensive to get and install

  • When you have troubleshot, then you might find it difficult

  • It’s not that secure.

Hybrid Topology:

It’s a combination of two or more topologies. This is the most used apology network in the world. The topologies in this network are interconnected with each other according to their specific needs.

  • It’s capable of handling a large number of drives.

  • If one node crashes, then it will have zero effect on the network. 

  • It’s reliable.

  • It offers you the flexibility to modify the network according to the requirements.

  • It’s quite expensive to install

  • MSAl required

  • Difficult to use design

Point to note

As you’ve gone through this article completely, I hope now you know what are the types of topology and what are their functions. This term is not as difficult to understand as it seems to some people. 

It’s a piece of cake if you read the above-mentioned things carefully. Though I think I’ve covered up everything related to the topic, still, If you have any queries, the comment section is all yours.

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